我自己本身的上課方式: 寫文章讓老師修改、聽力練習、一起閱讀新聞和書。每次上課聽說讀寫都有練習到。老師非常認真教學,總是把我在談話中或寫文章裡容易講錯的地方,事後再整理文法給我。重點是老師有多年在商社任職的經驗,也曾經長年赴派海外所以也會英文。上老師的課不只是學習日文,可以學到很多商業的知識、聽到各種海外經驗。雖然每個禮拜就上一次,如果自己平常沒複習也很難有很大的進步。但是半年下來我覺得自己改善最多的地方是現在在公司寫報告比較順利了。還有養成看文章看到不懂的單字就筆記的習慣。多虧了老師讓我不只日文,也對其他經濟、經營管理等等產生了興趣。
I chose Fujio-san to be my teacher as soon as I saw his introduction on his profile.Because he had worked for trading company for many years and also had experience living abroad. Now I have learned Japanese with Fujio-san for half year.The reason why I strongly recommend Fujio-san is not only because he is a conscientious humorous teacher but also he can teach you much knowledge ex: business, economy, and accounting other than Japanese. Although I only take lesson once a week, I have found myself improve a lot on writing through this half year. Now I am not afraid to write a report or answer the phone in my company. If you really want to improve your Japanese but you cannot do it by yourself, then I suggest that you should consider Fujio-san, and tell him what you need. He will think a best way to help you improve your Japanese.Last, I just want to say I really look forward to having my Japanese lesson every week.