Q. 具体的にはどのようなレッスンをされていますか?
A. 演奏の上達のためには必要不可欠である専門的な話やテクニックを、いかに誰にでも分かるようかつ親しみやすく楽しく(時に面白おかしく!?)伝えようか、ということは常に意識しています。また生徒との意見交換を大切にしています。「こう弾かなきゃだめ」という指導ではなく、「こんなこともできるよ、あんなこともできるよ」と僕が実際に弾いて表現の可能性の広さと面白さを体感していただけるように心掛けています。
Q. 日時はどのように決められていますか?
A. 1レッスン制のため、レッスン毎に次の日時を決めています。曜日や時間帯の固定は一切なく、レッスン毎に次回日時のご希望をお伺いしています。そのため学校行事や仕事などのご都合でレッスン間隔が6日になったり10日くらい離れたりあるいは不定期になったりということにも臨機応変に対応しております。
What is your favourite song?
Do you want to learn to play it?
Do you want your child to learn English through music?
You can have fun, express yourself and learn a life skill that will bring you joy.
I like to teach the songs YOU love. I encourage contemporary flute playing, improvisation and jazz/pop/latin/folk music as well as classical. No more boring lessons with songs you don't know, styles you don't like and technical terms you don't understand. I want to help you to play the music you love!
[About Tokyo Music Studio]
Tokyo Music Studio is Tokyo’s #1 Premium Music School that serves students ages 7~18. We source and select the best musicians in Japan who have professional playing experience in addition to teaching experience. We want to help students reach their goals and fulfill their potential. Lessons can be held at the convenience of your home or in an online setting.
[Price - Online Lessons]
Trial Lesson (45mins): Free
60 min Lesson: ¥7,500
90 min Lesson: ¥11,500
120 mins Lesson: ¥15,000
*Price does not include taxes.
[Price - Home Lessons]
Trial Lesson (45mins): Free
60 min Lesson: ¥8,000
90 min Lesson: ¥12,000
120 mins Lesson: ¥15,500
*Price does not include taxes.
[Price - Studio Lessons]
Trial Lesson (45mins): Free
60 min Lesson: ¥8,000 (+ studio rental fee)
90 min Lesson: ¥12,000 (+ studio rental fee)
120 mins Lesson: ¥15,500 (+ studio rental fee)
*Price does not include taxes.
For any questions or quotes please reach out at: info@tokyomusicstudio.com